Smart Alek Robot Head

An Open-Source BeagleBone Black Project.

A Variety of Expressions

Even with it's simple form, it can offer a variety

of expressions. Perfect for use with animatronics,

home assistance, use in the classroom, and even


Camera Eye

The camera "eye" allows for tracking and detecting objects with openCV. Now you can have the best robotic door greeter on the block!


Powerful Core

The Smart Alek Robot Head runs on the BBB (BeagleBone Black) Linux development board.

More Connectivity


Since it has more PWM pins than most Linux development boards, BBB is ideal for servo driving applications like this robot head. The BBB also has a USB, Ethernet, and an HDMI port.


More Programming Libraries


BBB runs Linux, so it can use programs like openCV (for detecting objects, manipulating images, recognizing faces, ext.), as well as speech and voice detection programs. It can also be connected to the Internet, so it can notify owners with emails or other web-based services.

Open-Source Code and Tutorials

This project is open source, and all my code is available to download or modify on GitHub. I make tutorials for all my code, so it's easy to learn.

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